Yes on Measure J
Measure J - Sonoma County
Compassionate Bay is proud to be a part of the Coalition to End Factory Farming (CEFF). CEFF launched a ballot initiative to prohibit Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), also known as factory farms, in Sonoma County. Nearly 150 volunteers collected and turned in 37,000 signatures to the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters (RoV) office in March of 2024. In April, the RoV verified the signatures. In May, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors set the initiative to appear on the ballot of the Nov 5th General Election.
The ordinance intended to protect all residents of Sonoma County, including nonhuman animals, from the harmful effects of factory farming and lay the groundwork for California as a whole to transition away from intensive animal agriculture.
CAFOs are agricultural operations where large numbers of animals are confined and fed. CAFOs are a leading cause of methane emissions, contribute to the drought and wildfires in California, pose a serious threat to public health, are a driver of biodiversity loss, and create dangerous and exploitative working conditions. CAFOs also confine and abuse billions of animals in the US every year. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that nonhuman animals have emotions, personalities, and the ability to feel pain, fear, and stress.
Sonoma County had the opportunity to become the first CAFO-free county in the USA and lead the way for the rest of the state and country to do the same. Sadly, we were outspent nearly 7-1 and lost the election. While we did lose at the ballot, we are happy with the thousands of conversations that were started on factory farming, the press attention received, along with the hundreds of volunteers that mobilized against CAFOs.
March for Measure J - July 2024 - Petaluma, CA
frequently asked questions
Why a ballot initiative? The short answer is because legislators have failed us. Compassionate Bay, along with over a dozen other organizations, has been advocating for a statewide CAFO moratorium for years. In 2022, our campaign became a real bill in the California Assembly: AB 2764. However, the bill died before getting even a single vote. Many legislators in California receive large campaign contributions from the animal agriculture industry and are too timid to take a stand and do what must be done for animals and our planet. A ballot initiative provides citizens an opportunity to take the power back and directly pass legislation ourselves. In 2018, over 62% of Californians voted in favor of Prop 12, a ballot measure that established new minimum requirements for the space given to animals on farms. We know that Californians overwhelmingly care about animals and the environment. If our legislators won’t act, we will.
Why do you need to ban CAFOs in Sonoma County? Contrary to the bucolic imagery associated with animals farms in Sonoma County, there are approximately two dozen CAFOs in the county. The marketing and advertising of these corporate entities in Sonoma County would have you believing otherwise. Aside from appalling living conditions for animals on CAFOs, there are a multitude of other reasons to phase out factory farms. Factory farms are an environmental hazard and major public health risk.
Has this been done before? Limiting or prohibiting CAFOs is not a unique idea. Legislation on this issue has been introduced or passed in states as diverse as Utah, Iowa, Arkansas, and North Dakota. Federally, Senator Cory Booker has introduced the Farm Systems Reform Act that would place a moratorium on large CAFOs across the country.
When will this be voted on? The ordinance will appear on the November 2024 ballot.
Who is behind this? The Coalition to End Factory Farming (CEFF). Learn more at their website.
How can I contact someone from the campaign? Email them at