Berkeley: We won!
Compassionate Bay is proud to be the sponsor and key organizing partner of Berkeley ballot initiative Measure DD!
Measure DD was an initiative ordinance prohibiting Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), also known as factory farms, in the city of Berkeley. We’ve gathered and submitted nearly 5,000 signatures from Berkeley voters. The voters then voted in favor in a 62-38 decision!
The ordinance will protect all residents of Berkeley, including nonhuman animals, from the harmful effects of factory farming and lay the groundwork for California as a whole to transition away from intensive animal agriculture.
CAFOs are agricultural operations where large numbers of animals are confined and fed. CAFOs are a leading cause of methane emissions, contribute to the drought and wildfires in California, pose a serious threat to public health, are a driver of biodiversity loss, and create dangerous and exploitative working conditions. CAFOs also confine and abuse billions of animals in the US every year. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that nonhuman animals have emotions, personalities, and the ability to feel pain, fear, and stress. Passing this ordinance affirms Berkeley’s commitment to the protection of animals, the environment, workers, and public health.
For all of the above reasons, Berkeley became a CAFO-free city and became a beacon for the rest of the state and country to follow.
March for Measure DD - Oct 2024 - MLK Civic Center Park, Berkeley