Everyone inside or outside of California can do all of the following:

  • Encourage your Californian friends and family to sign up at furishistory.org

  • Make the following social media posts and put in the caption (feel free to customize): “I support the California fur ban, AB-44. Let’s #MakeFurHistory!”:

    • A photo of you with an animal, an animal aone, or you holding a sign that says “YES ON AB-44!” (on public if possible)

    • Share/repost any of our recent fur-ban-related content on social media. To find them, use the search bar on any of the Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and type in #makefurhistory. On Facebook, after you search the hashtag, you can further narrow down the results by clicking “posts”, “photos”, or “videos”. Links to our social media accounts are here:

  • Send polite tweets to the California Governor (Gavin Newsom) saying something like, “Please support AB-44, the California fur ban! Let's #MakeFurHistory!” You can customize it and add a photo of you with a sign that says “YES ON AB-44”, or a photo of you with an animal., or whatever creative content you choose. Make sure to use the hashtag #makefurhistory.

    • You can also tweet the Governor the Intercept article, to make sure they saw the news about the college and high school kids being paid to fight against the fur ban, but masquerading as genuinely concerned grassroots activists. The short link to the article is: dxe.io/bribed.

    • Tweet this new NowThis story about the fur ban corruption by the opponents to the California Governor, @GavinNewsom!

  • Please retweet:

  • If you don't have Twitter, you can comment on Facebook posts and Instagram posts of the Governor and say (and customize) something like, "Please support the California fur ban, AB-44! Let's #makefurhistory!"