About Fur & AB-44 — Compassionate Bay

 Assembly Bill 44 (AB 44), would ban the sale of animal fur throughout the State of California. It was introduced into the California Assembly December 3rd, 2018 by Assemblywoman Laura Friedman of the Glendale region.

Why do we need AB-44?

Worldwide, over 100 million animals are abused and killed for their fur every year. Whether raised on fur farms or trapped from the wild, fur-bearing animals including: foxes, coyotes, wolves, bobcats, beavers, otters, dogs, cats, and raccoon dogs, have unimaginable cruelty inflicted upon them by the fur industry.

Info on the official government site about Assembly Bill 44 (AB 44):

More than 100 million animals are killed each year, solely for their fur, which is used as fashionable trim on the hoods of jackets, sweaters, gloves and accessories. This practice is unnecessary, inhumane and needs to stop.

As consumers become more aware of how animals are violently abused and killed for their fur, they are seeking to buy clothing, shoes, and accessories that are as ethically produced as they are functional and stylish. That is why designers, retailers, cities, and countries around the world are joining together in banning the sale of fur and shutting down fur farms. In the past 18 months, Chanel, Phillip Lim, Jean Paul Gaultier, Coach, Burberry, Gucci, Michael Kors, Prada, and more, have all banned fur. Here in the US, the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco have recently banned the sale and manufacturing of fur, while cities and countries across Europe and Asia are doing the same.

It’s clear that fur is cruel and a relic of the past. Together, we can make California, the fifth largest economy in the world, fur free.